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经济学院教学大纲编写说明和英文样本 目 录 教学大纲编写语言及课程分类说明 .........................................................................1 附:英文教学大纲样本 .............................................................................................2 教学大纲编写语言及课程分类说明 只有全英课程和双语课程用英文大纲,中文课程都用中文大纲 全英课程:授课、教学资料、考核全部为英文 双语课程:教学资料、考核为英文,授课中英文结合 中文课程:授课语言为中文,其他尽量用中文,具体按学校规定 1 附:英文教学大纲样本 Intermediate Microeconomics Fall 2005 Instructor xxx Office hours: MF 10:00-11:00am Office: Teaching and Administration Building xxx Email: xxx@mail.shufe.edu.cn TA xxx Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx Email: xxx@yahoo.com.cn Course Meet xxx 09/07/2005 – 12/29/2005; Room: Wed: 8:00– 9:40 am, Th: 10:05- 11:45 am No Class: Oct 5-6 (National Day) Added Class: Oct 8, Sat (moved from Oct 6) Midterm exams date: Oct 28, Dec 14 Course Website http://www.shufe.edu.cn/xxx.htm Textbook Required: Hal Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, fifth edition, W.W.Norton & Co., 1999. Optional: Hal Varian, Microeconomics Analysis, W.W.Norton & Co. Prerequisites 2 This course is an upper stream economics class in microeconomics. I will assume that you fully understand the fundamentals learned in introduction to microeconomics. This course is analytic in nature. Calculus is required for you to follow the lectures and do the homework. Course Objectives This course is designed to provide you a more rigorous understanding of tools to examine and analyze the behavior of consumers and firms and their interactions in the marketplace. The course will start with consumer theory, followed by firm theory. Having gained an understanding of both the demand side and the supply side of economies, we proceed to study how the demand and supply come together and lead to equilibrium in a market. We will learn the interactions of individual economic agent in different types of markets, in some cases incurring inefficient allocation of goods and services. Preparing for Class It’s better for you to read the relevant chapter(s) in ahead of the time. During class, I will focus on problem solving. If you read through the chapters ahead of time, this should be great helpful for you understanding the content of lectures. Grading There will have two midterm exams, one final exam, a number of homework assignments and randomly inclass quizzes. Grades will be determined as follows: Quizzes 15% Homework 15% Midterm Exams (15% each) 30% Final Exam 40% 3 At random points during the semester I will give quizzes (10 minutes each) in the beginning of the class. Therefore, it will not pay for you to come late to class or miss class. The homework assignments include all the review questions corresponding to the chapters that we cover in the lectures. The answers that just simply copy those at the back of the book will be scored zero. They are due at the beginning of class on the listed dates. Policies I don’t accept any excuse for the missing of exams and quizzes unless you can provide proof of emergency such as serious illness. If you miss the exam or quiz for any reason that does not qualify as a proven emergency, you get zero. You can work with your classmates on the homework assignments, but you are not allowed to copy someone else’s work. TA has the right to do not grade the late homework assignment turned in. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty by the student code of conduct includes cheating on the assignments or exams; plagiarizing; altering; forging, or misusing a University academic record; taking, acquiring, or using test materials without faculty permission; and acting alone or in cooperation with another to enhance a grade, etc. A minimum penalty for academic dishonesty is a grade of zero. Other penalties may include a F in course and a complaint to university authorities so that they act consequently with the corresponding university policy. 4 Course Schedule (subject to change) Consumer Theory Sep 7-8 Sep 1415 Sep 2122 Sep 2829 Oct 8 Oct 1213 Oct 1920 Budget constraint (Varian Ch. 2)  Preference (Varian Ch. 3)  Utility (Varian Ch. 4)  Choice (Varian Ch. 5)  Individual and aggregated demand (Varian Ch. 6 &15)  Consumer surplus (Varian Ch. 14)  Slutsky equation (Varian Ch. 8-9)  Uncertainty (Varian Ch. 12)  Asset markets and risky assets (Varian Ch. 11 & 13) Firm Theory  Technology (Varian Ch. 18)  Profit maximization (Varian Ch. 19)  Cost minimization (Varian Ch. 20)  Cost curves (Varian Ch. 21)  Firm and industry supply (Varian Ch. 22-23)  Oct 26 Oct 28 Review session Midterm exam 1 Markets Nov 2-3 Nov 910 Nov 1617 Nov 2324 Nov 30, Dec 1 Dec 7-8 Equilibrium (Varian Ch. 16)  Auctions (Varian Ch. 17)  Exchange and production (Varian Ch. 29-30)  Welfare (Varian Ch. 31)  Imperfect Competition Monopoly behavior (Varian Ch. 25) Monopoly (Varian Ch. 24)  Oligopoly (Varian Ch. 27)  Factor markets (Varian Ch. 26)  Game theory (Varian Ch. 27)   Dec 14 Midterm exam 2 Market Imperfection Dec 15 Dec 2122 Dec 2829 Externalities (Varian Ch. 32)  Networks (Varian Ch. 34)  Public goods (Varian Ch. 35)   Asymmetric Information (Varian Ch. 36) 5 Final exam 6
