广西医科大学图书馆志愿者(义务馆员)服务证明书 __________先生/女士: 广 西 医 科 大 学 图 书 馆 创 建 于 1934 年 12 月 ,70 多 年 来 , 始终坚持“读者第一,服务育人”的服务理念,已成为具 有自己的馆藏特色和一定规模的现代化高校图书馆。 您从 _________________到 _______________, 为本馆提供了热 情的志愿服务。在此,我们对您为本馆的服务工作所做出的积极贡献 表示衷心的感谢。 广西医科大学图书馆(签章) 年 月 日 Dear Mr. /Ms. Guangxi medical college libraries established since December 1934. For 70 years, Liberians always adhere to the "reader first, service to educate" service concept. With a great collection features and service, now the library already became a top medical university library of in Guangxi. We gladly present our appreciated for the time and your very active participation in the voluntary library assistant service from ____________to_____________. Thank you for the contribution to the library and readers. Guangxi Medical University Library 22, Shuangyong St., 530021 Nanning, Guangxi P. R. China