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授予博士学位的基本要求 Basic requirements for conferring doctoral degrees The degree of PhD will be conferred upon candidates who have demonstrated the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality, as adjudged by peers, to extend the forefront of the discipline, by submitting for assessment a substantial body of original work, in the form of one of the following: 哲学博士学位将授予给能够通过经同行人士认定的优秀原创研究或其他高等学 术,证明自己创造或阐述了新知识并由此扩展了学科的前沿阵地的候选人。候 选人应当通过以下方式之一将原创作品的实质部分提交评审: 1) 2) a thesis of no more than 100,000 words containing the results of the candidate’s original research, which may contain published papers integrated into the thesis in a coherent and structured manner; or 包含候选人原创研究的不少于 10 万字的论文一篇,其中可以用连贯的、条理 分明的方式加入已发表论文的某些内容。只有在学位注册期内撰写的论文或 著作才可能获得采纳,而且提交的论文或著作应当在某个可识别的环节具有 共同的主题;或者 a substantial collection of original, creative material developed specifically in pursuit of the degree, together with a written thesis of no more than 50,000 words which contextualises that work within an academic framework. 在攻读学位期间完成的原创素材的实质性合集,以及一篇将上述工作置于学 术框架下并使之语境化的不少于 5 万字的论文。 Page 1 of 1
