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Date: 24th October 2016 Mobility Section Putra International Centre Universiti Putra Malaysia Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia RE: PROOF OF ENGLISH’s LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Dear Mobility Section: We refer to the above mentioned matter. This is to certify that ______________________(Name of Student, Chinese Passport Number :_____ ) has applied the one semester student mobility program at Universiti Putra Malaysia. In accordance to the application procedure, it is suggested the student to have at least a moderate English language proficiency skill. Such proficiency is required for the attending classes at Universiti Putra Malaysia which are all conducted in English. With such, we have personally interviewed and met the student, and we would like to conclude the English proficiency skills of the students are as follow: # Type of Skills Proficiency 1 English Speaking Skill Moderate 2 English Listening Skill Moderate 3 English Written Skill Good 4 English Reading Skill Good (1 、 2 、 3 、 4 后 面 写 “WEAK, SLIGHTLY WEAK, MODERATE, GOOD, EXCELLENT”) Furthermore the student has also passed the CET Band 4 (CET Band 6). (CET stands for College English Test, which is required for all students to pass Band 4 in order for undergraduate graduation) (如果没有,就不要写这个) Thank you for your kind attention. Thank you. Sincerely; XXXXX(签名并盖章) (注:英语水平证明信注意事项:1.需要学校的抬头纸;2.红色是需要修改的地方; 3.黄色字体是解释这个部分如何填写)
