Beijing Jiaotong University 在校证明 姓名: ,性别: 学号: 于 ,出生日期: 年 年 月 日, 月入我校 学院 专业本科学习,于 年 月参加了我校与 学习,将于 国家 学校 的国际交流项赴 学校 学习结束,届时,我校将按毕业(或结业)处理。 目前该生属于我校学生。 特此证明。 北京交通大学教务处 年 月 日 Beijing Jiaotong University Certificate This is to certify that Tang Jielin, male, born on 27 July 1981, student ID number 88888888, enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of Automation in School of Electronics and Information Engineering of Beijing Jiaotong University in September 1999. The student has joined the international education program between Beijing Jiaotong University and XXXX University from USA since September 2000. The student shall complete the program in July 2003. Then, Beijing Jiaotong University will approve his/her graduation or completion accordingly. For the time being, the student remains a student of Beijing Jiaotong University. Office of Academic Affairs Beijing Jiaotong University People's Republic of China 27 November 2008