英语专业毕业论文装订顺序 1. 毕业论文封面(汉语) 2. 毕业论文首页 (英语) 3. 毕业论文英文摘要及关键词 4. 毕业论文中文摘要及关键词 5. 目录 6. 正文 7. 尾注(可选) 8. 参考文献(英语文献在前,中文文献在后) 9. 致谢(英文) 10. 附录(可选) 附: 论文模板(模板内容仅供参考,毕业生可根据实际情况填写) 其它不明事项请查看毕业论文参考文献规范格式 2023 届 单位代码:10452 临沂大学 成人高等教育毕业论文 ××××××××××××××××× Commented [A1]: 中文题目,小三号宋体加粗,2 倍行距 (论文题目包括副标题和标点符号不超过 36 个汉字) 姓 名 (四号楷体) 学 号 新罗马,四号 年 级 新罗马,四号 专 业 (四号楷体) 教 学 点 (四号楷体) 指导教师 (四号楷体) 年 月 日 Caaaa baaaan ……………… A Thesis Submitted to Foreign Languages School of Linyi University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts(根据自己的翻译) By Your name Supervisor: April, 2023 Abstract Commented [A2]: Times New Roman 小三号 粗体 居中; 大纲级别:1 级 段落间距:段前 1 行,段后 1 行 Language is an important tool for human communication, and vocabulary is an important part of language. In our country, English is considered as a foreign language, and students have less opportunity to communicate with native English speakers. Due to be short of sufficient language environment, we learn English by reading. Vocabulary is the basis of reading, so vocabulary is of vital significance to students’ English reading ability. For most students, it is difficult to learn vocabulary. The reason why vocabulary learning is difficult is that they do not take the effective vocabulary learning strategies. In the vocabulary learning process, learners should use effective learning strategies to promote learning efficiency. In the English teaching process, teachers should pay more attention to vocabulary teaching, and offer some valuable vocabulary learning strategies to help students promote vocabulary learning efficiency. Besides, teachers should encourage students to cultivate the good habit of reading widely, and increase vocabulary in the process of reading. Vocabulary and English reading ability promote each other in English learning process. This paper does a survey on one hundred students of grade 3 in Zhangqiu Senior High School. Making use of “the Electronic Evaluation System for the Vocabulary Size of English Learners in China” which was designed and developed by professor Yang Duanhe, and two valid and reliable examinations, namely pre-test and post-test on the reading comprehension in The College Entrance Examination. This paper endeavors to offer an analysis of the correlation between vocabulary and English reading ability. The software of SPSS (Statistics Package for Social Science) 10.0 is used to make an analytic Pair-Samples T Test on the statistics. The method of the Pearson Correlation is applied during the research. This paper mainly discusses vocabulary learning strategies and the application of some strategies in English teaching. Commented [A3]: 全文每段首行缩进 2 字符(中文字符) Times New Roman 小四号; 行距: 固定值 21 磅 大纲级别:正文 Key words: vocabulary; correlation; reading ability; vocabulary learning strategies Commented [A4]: 空一行 Commented [A5]: Times New Roman 小四号 粗体。 除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母小写; 各单词之间 用英文分号;隔开,分号之后空一格,末尾无标点 i 摘 要 Commented [A6]: 此处为宋体,小三号,粗体,居中, 单倍行距 大纲级别:1 级 摘要两词之间空 1 格 语言是人类进行沟通交流的重要工具,词汇是语言的重要组成部分。在我国, 英语作为一门外语,学生很少有机会去和以英语为母语的人进行交流。由于缺乏 充分的语言环境,我们的英语学习主要来源于阅读。阅读以词汇量为基础。因此, 词汇是影响阅读能力的一个重要因素。词汇之所以成为英语学习的难点,是因为 他们没有采取有效的词汇学习策略。在词汇学习过程中,学习者应该注重学习策 略提高学习效率。同时,在英语教学过程中,教师应重视词汇的教学,教授学生 一些有效的词汇学习策略,帮助学生提高词汇学习效率。此外,教师也要注重培 养学生养成广泛阅读的好习惯,在阅读中增加词汇量。词汇量与英语阅读能力相 辅相成,相互促进。本文以章丘中学 100 名高三学生为研究对象,使用杨端和教 授研发的《中国英语学习者词汇量评估系统》软件及前测和后测两套具有高信度 与高效度的高考英语试卷的阅读理解部分为研究工具,研究词汇量与英语阅读能 力的相关性。利用 SPSS10.0 软件进行配对样本 T 测试(Pair-Samples T Test),通 过皮尔逊相关分析(Pearson Correlation)对实验所得数据进行分析处理。探讨了词 Commented [A7]: 宋体,小四号,首行缩进 2 字符;行 距:固定值 21 磅 大纲级别:正文 字数要求 300 左右 汇学习策略及其在教学过程中的应用。 关键词:词汇量;相关性;阅读能力;词汇学习策略 Commented [A8]: 空一行 Commented [A9]: 宋体,小四号,粗体 分号后无空格,末尾无标点 ii Table of Contents Commented [A10]: Times New Roman 小三号 粗体 居中 单倍行距; 大纲级别:1 级 段落间距:段前 1 行,段后 1 行 Abstract ...........................................................................................................................i 摘 要..............................................................................................................................ii Table of Contents..........................................................................................................iii Chapter One Introduction............................................................................................1 Chapter Two Literature Review..................................................................................3 2.2 What Does Knowing a Word Involve? .............................................................3 2.2.1 Word Form ..............................................................................................3 Chapter Five Conclusion.............................................................................................5 Bibliography...................................................................................................................6 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................7 Commented [A11]: 实词首字母大写 目录生成设置说明: 目录 1:字体: 小四, 左, 行距: 固定值 21 磅, 样式: 自 动更新, 优先级: 40, 基于: 正文, 后续样式: 正文。 目录 2:字体: 小四, 缩进: 左, 行距: 固定值 21 磅, 左 2 字符, 样式: 自动更新, 优先级: 40, 基于: 正文, 后续 样式: 正文 目录 3:字体: 小四, 缩进: 左, 行距: 固定值 21 磅, 左 4 字符, 样式: 自动更新, 优先级: 40, 基于: 正文, 后续 样式: 正文 iii 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 Commented [A12]: 此处空两格 Chapter One Introduction Commented [A13]: Times New Roman 小三号 粗体 居中 单倍行距; 大纲级别:1 级 段落间距:段前 1 行,段后 1 行 In pace with the acceleration of economic globalization, our business communication with other countries around the world becomes closer and wider. The importance of English as a universal language is becoming more and more outstanding. That means our country needs lots of English talents with high quality. Due to be short of sufficient language environment, the way we learn English is reading. One’s reading ability determines the quantity and quality of the information he gets. So, the reading ability is quite important in the English learning process. Generally speaking, native English speakers read at a rate of 250 words per minute. (Nuttall, 1982: 56) Students with English as a second language should read 120-150 words per minute. In the English College Entrance Examination, students are required to complete the 5 reading comprehension passages in 35 minutes, that is to say, an average of 57 words per minute, far less than the minimum requirements for learning English. In the English reading comprehension tests, it is not difficult to find that students not only read at a low speed, but also have a low reading accuracy. Why is there such a phenomenon? Too little vocabulary is one of the most important factors that affect reading speed. Vocabulary is the basic element of reading. Without certain vocabulary, students will get into trouble on all sides in the reading process. They cannot catch the main idea correctly and thus they will misunderstand the deeper semantic and logical relations of the passage. All these result in slow reading speed and low reading accuracy. In recent years, in various English tests, reading comprehension becomes more and more important, and the reading comprehension difficulty increases year by year, and the proportion of score is higher and higher, while the students’ reading level is generally low. In our current English teaching, teachers pay close attention to the study of grammar, and neglect vocabulary learning. Vocabulary has not received enough attention. Therefore, this paper will discuss the regulations of vocabulary learning and teaching from the perspective of the nature of vocabulary, the obstacles of vocabulary learning and the strategies of vocabulary teaching and learning. This paper endeavors to draw a conclusion on the correlation between vocabulary and English reading ability by the test of vocabulary and reading comprehension. In the teaching process, teachers should provide some effective 1 Commented [A14]: 文中标注格式:姓,年代: 页码。 (如 参考文献中有同姓作者同一年的文献,则文中标注:姓, 名,年代: 页码) 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 techniques and methods to help students improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning and promote the improvement of vocabulary and English reading ability by means of extensive reading. Commented [A15]: 正文每段首行缩进 2 字符(中文字符) Times New Roman 小四号; 行距: 固定值 21 磅 大纲级别:正文 2 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 Commented [A16]: 此处空两格 Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 What is Vocabulary ? Vocabulary is an important element in the process of language learning, and it can also be used to measure if the learners have a good command of the language. People are increasingly wake up to the significance of vocabulary in Second Commented [A17]: Times New Roman 小三号 粗体 居中 单倍行距; 大纲级别:1 级 段落间距:段前 1 行,段后 1 行 Commented [A18]: Times New Roman, 四号,粗体,顶 格,单倍行距,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行 大纲级别:2 级 Language Acquisition. Vocabulary is the basis of reading comprehension. In the past few decades, researches on vocabulary development has been highly valued by domestic and foreign scholars, and linguists have put forward all kinds of standards about knowing a word, but there is still no consistent conclusions. Laufer’s (1989) survey show that: for foreign language learners with a vocabulary of about 5000, the correct rate of reading can reach up to 56%, for those with the vocabulary of about 6000, the correct rate of reading can reach up to 63%, and for those with the vocabulary of about 9000, the correct rate of reading is only up to 70%. Diller (1978) shows that 10000 vocabularies is the most basic requirement for reading medium- difficulty passages. Chinese scholars have made lots of studies on the relationship between vocabulary and English reading ability, such as Gui Shichun (1985), Zhou Dajun (1999), and Ma Guanghui (2001). Their research shows that there Commented [R19]: 引用总结全书或全文观点、思想的只 需要标明年代。 is a relationship between vocabulary and language ability, but not close enough to predict language proficiency. 2.2 What Does Knowing a Word Involve? 2.2.1 Word Form Morpheme is the smallest grammar unit and the smallest semantic unit. Morphemes consist of free morphemes and bound morphemes. A free morpheme is a morpheme that can exist independently without attaching to other morphemes or roots, such as “boy”, “girl ”. A bound morpheme, as the name suggests, is a morpheme that cannot exist independently, but is usually adhered to other forms. Bound morphemes are composed of affixes and combinations. Affix can be classified into inflectional affix and derivational affix. The inflectional affixes represent the grammatical parts of a word, such as the plural of the nouns, the past tense of the verb, the comparative and 3 Commented [A20]: Times New Roman, 四号,粗体,顶 格,单倍行距,段前 0.5 行,段后 0.5 行 大纲级别:2 级 Commented [A21]: Times New Roman, 小四号,粗体, 顶格。 大纲级别:3 级 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 superlative degrees of adjectives or adverbs. Derivational affixes can be divided into prefixes and suffixes on the basis of their positions in the derived word, and they can combine with other roots. Another bound morpheme is called the combination form, and they can be used as special derivational words, and also can be combined with other words or combinations to constitute a special compound word. The word is a grammatical unit higher than morphemes. The word is made up of one or more morphemes. It can be classified from two aspects, one is based on the classification of word formation, and the other is based on the classification of syntactic functions. In the light of word formation, words can be classified into simple words, derived words and compound words. A simple word is made up of a single free morpheme, mostly short words, such as “in”, “on” and so forth. Derived word is constituted with root and affixes. A compound word consists of two or more free morphemes. In terms of the syntactic function, it can be divided into closed words and open words. Closed word refers to all functional words. This kind of word has no complete lexical meaning, and it has grammatical meaning. It includes prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs. Open word refers to a variety of content words, including nouns, adjectives, adverbs, active words. 4 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 Commented [A22]: 此处空两格 Chapter Five Conclusion In recent years, in various English exams, reading comprehension becomes more and more important, and reading comprehension difficulty increases year by year, and the proportion of score is higher and higher. We have to pay more attention to English learning. At present, the vocabulary of Chinese learners is low and the ability of reading comprehension is poor. This is the problem that we need to solve urgently. It is hoped that this paper will help our vocabulary learning and reading ability in some way. For most students, vocabulary learning is painful. At present, China’s English vocabulary teaching has been in a neglected position. In the teaching process, teachers usually take notice of grammar. In teacher’s opinion, vocabulary teaching is to teach students pronounce the word and tell them the collocations concerned with the word. And students need to listen, speak, read, and write the word and memorize the collocations. There have not been effective vocabulary learning strategies. Gradually, students will be tired of English learning. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are not improved effectively, and the overall level of English will be affected. At the same time, in the English teaching process, teachers should establish the correct awareness of the vocabulary teaching as the focus of English teaching. Teachers should teach students some effective vocabulary memory strategies to help students change the traditional learning methods, and improve vocabulary effectiveness. Then, students will like English from their deep heart. When students have interest in learning English, their academic performance will make a great progress. In addition to the necessary vocabulary learning strategies, teachers should pay attention to add extracurricular words to students’ learning and introduce some suitable English publications to students to read, and expand the amount of reading, which can also promote the accumulation of vocabulary. Vocabulary and English reading ability promote each other. 5 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 Bibliography [1] Andonian, Cathleen Culotta. The Critical Response to Samuel Beckett[M]. West Port, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1998. [2] Baym, Nina, et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature[M]. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2003. Commented [A23]: Times New Roman 小三号 粗体 居中 单倍行距; 大纲级别:1 级 段落间距:段前 1 行,段后 1 行 Commented [A24]: 此处空一格 Commented [A25]: 独著:姓,名. 书名 [M]. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. Commented [A26]: 两名或以上作者 姓,名, et al. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年代. [3] Lin, Huan. An Exploration into Early Chinese American Writing in the Social Context: From 1785 to the 1960s[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, 2004. [4] Stewart, Donald C. What Is an English Major, and What Should It Be?[J]. College Composition and Communication, 1989 (40): 188-202. [5] 曹波. 论贝克特的荒诞派戏剧艺术[J]. 外语与外语教学, 2004(3): 29-31. [6] 江永聪. 汤亭亭《女勇士》的文学伦理学解读[D]. 长沙: 长沙理工大学, 2011. [7] 刘象愚, 等. 从现代主义到后现代主义[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003. [8] 严泽胜. 荒诞派戏剧的后现代审美特征[J]. 国外文学,1992(3): 109-114. [9] 朱虹. 英美文学散论[M]. 北京: 三联书店, 1984. Commented [A27]: 英文部分 Times New Roman 小四号; 中文部分 宋体 小四号;行距:固定值 21 磅。先英文后中 文,以字母顺序排列。两行及以上悬垂缩进 2 个字符。 6 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 Acknowledgements Commented [A28]: Times New Roman 小三号 粗体 居中; 段落间距:段前 1 行,段后 1 行 I would like to thank all those who have given me their generous helps, commitment and enthusiasm, which have been the major driving force to complete the Commented [A29]: 全文每段首行缩进 2 字符(中文字符) Times New Roman 小四号; 行距: 固定值 21 磅 current paper. … 7 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 封底 (此部分不编入页码,且不写入任何内容)