监护人保证书 GUARANTEE STATEMENT 我愿意担任以下申请人在复旦大学学习期间的监护人, 对其在此期间的行为和经济状况负责。我在此保证:若该申 请人在此期间出现任何意外或经济问题,我将承担全部监护 责任。 I’m willing to be the guardian of the following applicant during the period of his/her study at Fudan University. I hereby guarantee to be responsible for the applicant’s behavior and finance during the aforementioned period. Should there be any emergency or financial problem occurred to him/her, I will be in duty bound to take my responsibility of guardianship for it. 申请人姓名/ Name of Applicant: 性别/Gender: 出生日期/Date of Birth:______________ 国籍/Nationality: 护照号码/Passport No.: 监护人姓名/Name of Guardian: 性别/Gender: 国籍/Nationality: 出生日期/Date of Birth:_______________ 护照号码/Passport No.: 身份证号码/ ID No.: 与被监护人关系/Relationship to the Applicant: 工作单位/Employer: 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: 电子邮件/E-mail: 中国境内永久居住地址/Permanent Add. Of Guardian in China: 监护人签字/Signature of Guardian: 日期/Date: