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LUT UNIVERSITY, FINLAND FACT SHEET 2019/2020 LAPPEENRANTA-LAHTI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY LUT PIC number: 999591209, Erasmus+ code SF LAPPEEN01 Student Services Mr Janne Hokkanen Ms Veronika Kojo Ms Anne Makkonen E-mail and website Address Director for Study and International Affairs Project Manager - Student recruitment - LUT Summer School International Officer - Institutional Erasmus Coordinator - Staff mobility, Erasmus agreements firstname.lastname@lut.fi ; www.lut.fi/en +358 40 900 3617 +358 40 578 6748 +358 40 182 4533 Student Services Student Services P.O. Box 20 Skinnarilankatu 34 53851 Lappeenranta, 53850 Lappeenranta FINLAND FINLAND Student mobility Incoming and outgoing exchange students: Erasmus+ students Ms Suvi Tiainen International Coordinator E-mail firstname.lastname@lut.fi Website: www.lut.fi/exchange +358 40 502 2196 For further enquiries, please contact: Erasmus.Exchange@lut.fi Incoming and outgoing exchange students: non-European countries and Nordic countries Ms Anne Makkonen International Officer +358 40 182 4533 Email firstname.lastname@lut.fi Website: www.lut.fi/exchange For further enquiries, please contact: incomingexchange@lut.fi Incoming and outgoing trainees Ms Elina Hannikainen-Himanen Planning Officer, elina.hannikainen-himanen@lut.fi +358 40 573 3790 EXCHANGE PROGRAMME INFORMATION – ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-2020 Academic system  Semester system Academic year dates Autumn semester: 2.9.2019 – 20.12.2019 (exams and intensive weeks in- Spring semester: 7.1.2020 – 29.5.2020 cluded) (intensive weeks: 18.-29.5.2020) Orientation days (mandatory) Autumn semester: 27.-30.8.2019 Spring semester: 2.-3.1.2020 Autumn semester and academic year: 18.4.2019 Spring semester: 2.10.2019 Deadlines for nominations incomingexchange@lut.fi Link to the online application is sent by e-mail to the nominated students only. Autumn semester 2019/Academic year:   Deadlines for applications application period April 1, - May 15, 2019 Online application completed, incl. learning agreement and attachments: 15.5.2019 Spring semester 2020:   Academic levels application period: September 16 – October 11, 2019 Online application completed, incl. learning agreement and attachments: 11.10.2019  First cycle (undergraduate)  Second cycle (postgraduate)  Third cycle (doctorate, to be negotiated) Fields of studies & ISCED codes          Business Administration – 041 Industrial Engineering and Management - 041 Chemical and Process Engineering – 0711 Computer Science – 061 Electrical Engineering – 0714 Energy Technology – 0713 Environmental Technology – 0712 Computational Engineering – 061 Mechanical Engineering – 0715 LUT eOrientation https://uni.lut.fi/en/web/lut.fieng/eorientation5 ECTS credits per semester 30 (minimum 20) Language of instruction English Do you offer any preparatory  Yes  No language courses?  Yes  No Students from partner institutions can submit a language certificate provided by sending institution. CEF - level B1 (threshold or intermediate) CAE or CPE - grade A, B or C IELTS - 6.0 TOEFL - 80 iBT, 550 PBT or 460 ITP TOEIC - 730 PTE Academic - 54 Compulsory language requirements       Do you have scholarships for inter-  Yes  No Do you offer internships for interna-  Yes  No national students? tional students? SF LAPPEEN01 is committed to providing equal educational op- Disability portunity for students and staff with disabilities. Practical procedures will be discussed case by case. Please be in touch as soon as possible for practical arrangements. Insurance Every student is obliged to acquire a health insurance prior to arrival. EU-citizens: Registration of residence Residence permit Non-EU residents: a residence permit is required. Visas are not accepted. www.migri.fi Course catalogue https://weboodi.lut.fi/oodi/jsp/opeopas/jsp/opastutkrakStudy Guides kats.jsf?Kieli=6&MD5avain=&vl_tila=5&Opas=276&Org=1&al- Courses available in English usta=1&esikatselu=0 (Courses for exchange students 2019-20) Grading system Grading system in use at Lappeenranta University of Technology 5 = excellent 1 = sufficient 4 = very good H = passed 3 = good 0 = failed 2 = satisfactory Failed or discontinued courses do not appear in the transcript. ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is used at LUT; 1 ECTS credits represents the workload of 26 hours including lessons, assignments, exam and homework. It is possible to study approximately 30 ECTS credits per one semester. Minimum number of credits per semester is 20. Please note that attendance to a master level course presupposes that the student has acquired at least 120 ECTS and meets the course prerequisites. Transcripts A transcript of records will be issued 5 weeks after the assessment period. ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK – ESN Lappeenranta Students organization websites www.esnlappeenranta.fi ACCOMMODATION Organization Lappeenranta Student Housing Foundation (LOAS) Contact information (websites, www.loas.fi, asuntotoimisto@loas.fi (general address) e-mail, telephone, fax) +358 5 668 2800, +358 5 668 2850 LIVING COSTS Approximate monthly costs (in Euro) Accommodation Food 290 – 420 € 120-200 € (lunch at university about 2-2,50 €) 65€/academic semester, Student Union fee 125€/academic year. Compulsory for all LUT students. Study material 20 € City transportation 45 €
