研修计划 Research proposal 姓名 Name 姓/Surname: 名/Last name: 性别 Gender 出生日期 Date of birth (yy/mm/dd) 所在学院 College 所学专业 Major 国内导师 Domestic supervisor 留学国别 Hosting foreign country 留学国外大学 Hosting foreign University 留学院系 Hosting faculty or department 国外导师 Hosting foreign supervisor 研究领域 Area of research 学习期限/Duration of study 24 months (from ( 2008 yy/ 09 mm/ 1 dd) to ( 2010yy/ 08mm/ 31dd) 课题研究项目/RESEARCH PROJECT 题目/TITLE: 研究背景/ Research Background 研究目标/Research Objectives 课题研究准备/Preparations for the research project 实验方法/Experimental Methods 预期安排/Proposed Timetable 回国后工作/学习计划 The study/work plan after returning to China 国内导师签字 SIGNATURE OF DOMESTIC SUPERVISOR: Date(yy/mm/dd): 国外导师签字 SIGNATURE OF HOSTING FOREIGN SUPERVISOR: Date((yy/mm/dd):