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Application Form from Partner Institutions PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Partner Institution: Department: Year of study: Estimated year of Graduation Email : Country of birth: Date of birth: MM/DD/ YYYY Country of Citizenship: Are you a US Citizen or Green Card holder? Yes No Gender Male Female Other Please list any dependents (immediate family members) who will be accompanying you and will reside with you for the duration of the program. (Note: The Fox Program does not cover dependents, but will assist with visas) Name and Date of birth PROFESSIONAL BIOGRAPHY Professional Biography: (max 200 words) Please visit http:// foxfellowship.yale .edu/ currentfellows for examples. LANGUAGE SKILLS Official TOEFL or EILTS score (if applicable) Please list up to four languages in descending order of proficiency, including your native tongue. For each language check the box, along the scale from “working knowledge” to “native,” that best reflects your level of proficiency. Do not list languages for which your level of proficiency is less than “working knowledge.” Language skills: ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Please provide information, in reverse chronological order, on up to three completed postsecondary programs of study. Post-secondary education 3. Please provide information, in reverse chronological order, on up to five honors, scholarships, fellowships, or awards. Awards 4. Please provide information, in reverse chronological order, on up to five extra-curricular or public service activities. Extra-curricular or public service activities 5. Please provide information, in reverse chronological order, on up to five positions held. Work experience 6. Please provide full publication references, in reverse chronological order, for up to six of your most important publications, specifying whether or not they were collaborative efforts. Publications 7. Please provide information, in reverse chronological order, on up to five conferences in which you have participated, including a description of the nature of your participation (panel, paper, organizer, etc.) Conferences PROJECT PROPOSAL Title of Project Proposal: Short summary of research project (max 200 words) Longer description of research project: 1. Research Agenda: Tell us about your research project and its central ideas. 2. Methodological approach. 3. What led you to choose this research project in particular? Please concisely describe the motivations (both personal and academic) that lead you to pursue this research. 4. What is new or surprising about your research? 5. What impact could your research have on future public policy debate? 6. Yale resources needed. 7. Identify three faculty members you would like to work with. Longer description of research project (max 1200 words) limits: 1st box 500 words 2nd box 500 words 3rd box 200 words box 2 (max 500 words) box 3 (max 200 words) LEADERSHIP STATEM ENT Please describe your leadership potential (include information on any leadership roles you have undertaken) and commitment to being a “citizen ambassador.” Also, identify your study objectives and career goals, while reflecting on how a Fox International Fellowship will help you attain those objectives and goals. Leadership statement (max 450 words): A complete application MUST contain the following: 1. A copy of this application cover sheet. 2. Official TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable) 3. Two letters of recommendation from faculty members. 4. Official transcript of your grades.
