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2021 Annual Report on NACAI Activities Presented at the Fifth NACAI International Symposium Hosted online by Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (IAS-UBD) Presented on 16 October 2021 Updated on 9 December 2021 Prof. QI Huaigao (CCRNC-Fudan) On behalf of Secretariat of Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI) Web of NACAI: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/nacai/list.htm Founding Members of NACAI Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (IAS-UBD) (Brunei Darussalam) (web of IAS-UBD: https://ias.ubd.edu.bn/) Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Academy of Cambodia (IHSS-RAC) (Cambodia) Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries, Fudan University (CCRNC-Fudan) (China) (web of CCRNC-Fudan: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/ccrnc/list.htm) ASEAN Study Center, Universitas Indonesia (ASC-UI) (Indonesia) (web of ASC-UI: https://ir.fisip.ui.ac.id/) Asia Research Center, National University of Laos (ARC-NUOL) (Lao PDR) Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya (ICS-UM) (Malaysia) (web of ICS-UM: https://icsum.org.my/) Department of International Relations, University of Yangon (DIR-YU) (Myanmar) (web of DIR-YU: https://www.uy.edu.mm/international-relations/) Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman (AC-UP) (Philippines) (web of AC-UP: https://www.ac.upd.edu.ph/) ASEAN Studies Center, Chulalongkorn University (ASC-CU) (Thailand) (web of ASC-CU: http://www.asean.chula.ac.th/) Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (ISEAS-VASS) (Vietnam) (web of ISEAS-VASS: http://www.iseas.vass.gov.vn/) Contents Ⅰ. Annual NACAI International Symposium (2017-2021) Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members The Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI) is a platform of academic exchange and cooperation co-established by nine influential academic institutes in ASEAN countries and Fudan University on May 28, 2017. Ⅱ (1) IAS-UBD; Ⅱ (2) IHSS-RAC; Ⅱ (3) CCRNC-Fudan; Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI; Ⅱ (5) ARC-NUOL; Ⅱ (6) ICS-UM; Ⅱ (7) DIR-YU; Ⅱ (8) AC-UP; Ⅱ (9) ASC-CU; Ⅱ (10) ISEAS-VASS Ⅲ. Chair of NACAI 2022 Ⅳ. Activities in the future … Ⅴ. Liaison of the NACAI Secretariat Group photo of the founding members of the NACAI after signing ceremony, May 28, 2017, at Fudan University Ⅰ. Annual NACAI International Symposium (2017-2021) 1st NACAI International Symposium, 28 May 2017, hosted by CCRNC-Fudan in Shanghai, China Topic: “ASEAN-China Relations in Transition: Differences Management and Win-win Cooperation” Link: https://www.fudan.edu.cn/en/2017/0530/c344a98802/page.htm Photo of top right-hand: Group photo of the 1st NACAI International Symposium, 28 May 2017 2nd NACAI International Symposium, 27 May 2018, hosted by CCRNC-Fudan in Shanghai, China Topic: “China-ASEAN Energy and Resources Cooperation in the ‘Diamond Decade’” Link: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/nacai/list.htm Photo of bottom left hand: Group photo of the 2nd NACAI International Symposium, 27 May 27 2018 Ⅰ. Annual NACAI International Symposium (2017-2021) 3rd NACAI International Symposium, 21 November 2019, hosted by the Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Topic: “China-ASEAN Relations in the Context of USChina Rivalry” Link: https://icsum.org.my/event/china-asean-relations-in-the-context-of-us-china-rivalrythe-third-international-conference-of-the-network-of-asean-china-academic-institutes-nacai/ Photo of top right-hand: Group photo (part) of the 3rd NACAI International Symposium, 21 November 2019 4th NACAI International Symposium, 21 November 2020, hosted online by Department of International Relations, University of Yangon. Topic: “ASEAN-China Cooperation in the Fight against Covid-19” Link: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/nacai/list.htm Photo of bottom left hand: Online Group photo of the 4th NACAI International Symposium, 21 November 2020 Ⅰ. Annual NACAI International Symposium (2017-2021) 5th NACAI International Symposium, 16 October 2021, hosted by the Institute of Asian Studies of Universiti Brunei Darussalam Topic: “Trade linkages and supply chains resilience: Navigating the COVID-19 new normal” Link: Photo of right hand: Online Group photo of the 5th NACAI International Symposium, 16 October 2021 Photo of bottom left hand: Zoom Virtual Background of 5th NACAI International Symposium Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (1) IAS-UBD: Staff members Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (1) IAS-UBD: Publications Nottage, L., Ali, S., Jetin, B., & Teramura, N. (2021). New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. Wolters Kluwer. Hoon, C.Y. and Chan, Y.K. (eds) (2021). Contesting Chineseness: Nation, Ethnicity and Identity in China and Southeast Asia, Singapore: Springer. Franco, FM (ed) (2021). Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Southeast Asia. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Carnegie, P. J., King, V. T. and Knudsen, M. (2021). “Human Security, Marginality and Precariousness in Southeast Asia.” International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 17(1): 1–28. Jetin, B. (2021). “ASEAN and the European Union Face the Challenge of the ‘New Silk Roads’: Division or Coherence?” (in French). In D. CharlesLe Bihan, J. Lebullenger and Nguyen Minh Hang (eds.), The Trade Diplomacy of the European Union in Southeast Asia. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Teramura, N. (2021). “Cambodia.” In Anselmo Reyes and Wilson Rui(eds), Direct Jurisdiction: Asian Perspectives. Oxford: Hart. Arensen, L. (2021). “Living with Landmines: Inhabiting a War-alteredLandscape, Material Culture (Online First): 1-16. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1359183521997506. Arensen, L. (2021). “Province of Thieves: On Violence, Reflexivity and The Cross-Cultural Encounter,” Anthropology and Humanism (OnlineFirst). Doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/anhu.12352. Siota, J. B., Carnegie, P. J., Allen M. G. (2021). Big Men, Wantoks and Donors: A Political Sociology of Public Service Reform in Solomon Islands. Pacific Dynamics 5(1), 33-48. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (2) IHSS-RAC: To be updated Please kindly send your information to Dr. Yao WEN (yaowen@fudan.edu.cn) Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (3) CCRNC-Fudan (China): Core faculty members Prof. YANG Jian Director of CCRNCFudan Research interests: Southeast Asian Studies, regional cooperation, regional security jian_yang@fudan.edu.cn Prof. QI Huaigao Vice Dean of IIS Fudan Research interests: China’s neighboring diplomacy, China’s ocean affairs, Southeast Asian ocean affairs, Asia-Pacific international relations huaigaoqi@fudan.edu.cn Website of CCRNC-Fudan: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/ccrnc/list.htm Prof. ZHAO Weihua Deputy Director of CCRNC-Fudan Research interests: South China Sea issue, Vietnam studies, SinoVietnamese relations, China’s neighboring strategy, and China’s ocean affairs zhaoweihua@fudan.edu.cn Asst. Prof. XUE Song Research interests: Indonesia’s Politics and Foreign Diplomacy; Ethnic Studies; Sino-ASEAN Relations xue_song@fudan.edu.cn Asst. Prof. WEN Yao Research interests: International Relations Theory; International Relations in Southeast Asia; Diffusion of Governance Knowledge yaowen@fudan.edu.cn Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (3) CCRNC-Fudan (China): New publications (since October 2020) QI, Huaigao, and Song XUE, eds., Cooperative Development in the South China Sea: Policies, Obstacles, and Prospects, London: Routledge, 2021. Three NACAI members participate in the editing of the book: ICS-UM, ASC-UI, and CCRNC-Fudan. Song XUE, The Political Logic of the Ethnic Mobilization in Indonesia (19982017) (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, December 2020) [in Chinese] ISBN: 978-7-52037589-4 Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (3) CCRNC-Fudan (China): Main Events The Tenth Symposium on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy Convened by Fudan University Held on 12-13 November 2020 Themed “China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries under Changing Circumstances” Link: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/e3/af/c16676a254895/page.htm International scholars attended virtually: University of Malaya (Malaysia), Brookings Institution (U.S.), The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (Indonesia), Sungkyunkwan University (Republic of Korea), and Keio University (Japan). Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI To be a prominent study center that will be a reference for public and private institutions both VISION in Indonesia and overseas, and for the society to understand ASEAN as a regional institutional in Southeast Asian and to find the alternatives to develop and stregthen the institution. MISSIONS 1. Developing ASEAN-related studies comprehensively, including its evolution, its institutional dynamics, and its interaction with various international actors. 2. Providing deep analysis towards the efforts to strengthen ASEAN;s institutionalization, ASEAN's role in regional and global scope, and Indonesia's role in ASEAN itself. 3. Increasing the capacity and the capability of Indonesia's diplomacy in ASEAN in order to serve Indonesia's national interests. 4. Creating significant contribution towards the development of ASEAN as a people-centered and peopleoriented institution and the creation of ASEAN's identity in the region. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI: Agendas The ASEAN Study Center is devoted to research and programs on issues that pertain to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as an institution and a process. 1 Strengthening ASEAN's institutionalism in order to empower the notion of ASEAN Centrality 2 Inter-institutional Cooperation and Coordination in Indonesia to prepare for the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. Through research, conferences, consultations, and publications, the Center seeks to illuminate ways of promoting ASEAN’s purposes of political solidarity, economic integration and regional cooperation, and finding pragmatic solutions to the challenges on the path to achieving this. The Center conducts studies and provides inputs and ideas to ASEAN member states and the ASEAN Secretariat on issues and events that call for collective ASEAN actions and responses, especially those pertinent to building the ASEAN Community. Strengthening the elements of ASEAN identity in order to 3 construct the people-oriented and people-centered ASEAN. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI: Structure Position Advisory Council Names Dr. Arie Setiabudi Soesilo (Dean, FISIP UI) Dr. Jajang Gunawijaya, M.A. (Head, LPPSP FISIP UI) Executive Director Edy Prasetyono, MIS, Ph.D. Executive Secretary Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad, Ph.D. Treasurer Yuni Reti Intarti, M.Si. Head of the Political-Security Division Ali Abdullah Wibisono, Ph.D. Head of the Economic Division Asra Virgianita, MA, Ph.D. Head of the Socio-Cultural Division Dra. Ani Soetjipto, M.A. Head of ASEAN and East Asian Cooperation Division Drs. Makmur Keliat, Ph.D Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI: Research fellows Agung Nurwijoyo, M.A. Aisha Rasydila Kusumasomantri, M.A. Ardhitya E. Yeremia Lalisang, M.Sc Avyanthi Azis, M.A. Broto Wardoyo, M.A., Ph.D. Dwi Ardanariswari Sundrijo, M.A.. Erwin Indradjaja, M.Si. Dra. Evi Fitriani, MA, MIA, Ph.D. Dr. Fredy B.L. Tobing, M.Si. Hariyadi Wirawan, Ph.D. Nurul Isnaeni, Ph.D. Suzie S. Sudarman, M.A. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI: Events ASEAN Study Center has also been involved in various initiatives to connect various stakeholders of ASEAN and East Asian regionalism at international, national, and local levels. ASC FISIP UI is also working with various partners to disseminate and discuss important issues pressing ASEAN and to connect academics and think tanks in Indonesia and in the region. At national level, ASC FISIP UI has served as the coordinator of 56 ASEAN Studies Center in Indonesia (together with ASC UGM as the co-coordinator). At regional level, ASC FISIP UI has worked with Center for ASEAN Studies of Thammasat University as the co-coordinator of the Network of ASEAN Studies (NAS). ASC FISIP UI also involved as the coordinating institution in Indonesia for the Network for East Asia Think-tank (NEAT), the track 2 of the ASEAN Plus Three in addition to other academic and think tank networks in the region. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (4) ASC-UI: Publications ASEAN Insights Monthly commentaries on ASEAN Issues Example of books by our researchers (for domestic and international audiences) Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (5) ARC-NUOL: To be updated Please kindly send your information to Dr. Yao WEN (yaowen@fudan.edu.cn) Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (6) ICS-UM: Institute members Dr. NGEOW Chow Bing Director of Institute of China Studies Research interests: Chinese Politics, Chinese foreign policy, ChinaASEAN relations Dr. FAN Pik Shy Research interests: Chinese language and culture, sociolinguistics Dr. Peter CHANG T.C. Deputy Director of Institute of China Studies Research interests: Comparative philosophy Comparative religion, Confucianism, China’s soft power Dr. LING Tek Soon Research interests: Chinese society in Malaysia, China-Malaysia people-to-people exchanges Dr. LI Ran Research interests: China’s economic system, China’s urbanization, China-Malaysia economic relations Assoc. Prof. Dr. CHAN Sok Gee Research interests: Banking and finance, international economics, foreign direct investment Dr. LEE Chee Leong Research interests: China’s regionalism, central-local relations in China, Taiwan’s politics and foreign relations Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (6) ICS-UM: New Publication Edmund Terence GOMEZ, Siew Yean THAM, Ran LI, Kee Cheok CHEONG, China in Malaysia: State-Business Relations and the New Order of Investment Flows, Springer Nature, 2020. NGEOW Chow Bing, China-ASEAN Information Harbor: The Digital Silk Road from Guangxi to Southeast Asia, Friedrich Ebert Stuftung Indonesia Office, 2021 Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (7) DIR-YU: Publications (since October 2020) Professor Dr Khin Ma Ma Myo Lee Jones and Khin Ma Ma Myo, “Explaining Myanmar’s Response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative: From Disengagement to Embrace,” Asian Perspective, Vol.45, No. 2 (Spring 2021). Khin Ma Ma Myo, “Future Labour in Myanmar: Policies and Challenges since Democratic Reforms in 2011,” China-ASEAN Studies, 2021. Professor Dr San San Win 1.San San Win, “Thailand’s Positive Engagement with Myanmar since 2011: Border Tourism,” Universities Research Journal, Vol. 12, No. 9 (December 2020). Dr Oak Soe San, Lecturer Oak Soe San, “Myanmar and Major Regional Powers: A Complex Interplay of Geopolitics,” Universities Research Journal, Vol. 12, No. 9 (December 2020). Chaw Chaw Sein and Oak Soe San, “Struggle for the Fight against Poverty Alleviation in the Context of BIMSTEC,” In Sreeradha Datta (Ed.) BIMSTEC: The Journey and the Way Ahead, Pentagon Press, October 2021. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (7) DIR-YU: Events Research Report on ASEAN-China Cooperation in the Fight against COVID-19 Released on 21 November 2020 by University of Yangon & NACAI Secretariat Link: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/e0/a2/2242e2114e8a9d43482b7f4ae2 b0/7b8e2bac-5c27-4316-a92f-140c52e3c0ee.pdf Authored by Bruno Jetin, Ngeow Chow Bing, Nguyen Huy Hoang, Li Mingjiang, Joefe B. Santarita, Chaw Chaw Sein, Aye Ei Ei Aung Than, Yao WEN, Ali Abdullah Wibisono, and Yang Zi Thanks go to Professor Chaw Chaw Sein and her colleagues for the excellent editing work. The Chinese version of Research Report on ASEAN-China Cooperation in the Fight against COVID-19 will appear in Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy Volume 7, Issue 1 (2021), a journal hosted by CCRNC-Fudan. Translated by Ms. ZHANG Zeyu, research secretary of CCRNC-Fudan. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (8) AC-UP: Core faculty members Dr. Clemente, Tina S., Ph.D. Dr. Raquiza, Antoinette R., Ph.D. Associate Professor Professor Political economy of late China Studies • Chinese in the development • Southeast Asian Philippines • Philippine Studies • comparative political Economic institutions • globalization and IPE History • Development • identity politics and conflict studies Studies Sevilla, Henelito A., Jr., Ph.D. Dean and Associate Professor International Relations, Asian Studies, China-Middle East relations, Mindanao • PH-Middle East relations • political economy of the Middle East • Energy security in Asia • Persian Gulf security • Middle Easterners in the Philippines Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (8) AC-UP: Main publications (2020) Tina Clemente, 2020. "Pondering China Studies in the Philippines as an Academic Practice and Scholarly Inquiry." In Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Studies of China and Chineseness: Unlearning Binaries, Strategizing Self, edited by Chih-yu Shih, Prapin Manomaivibool, Mariko Tanigaki, and Swaran Singh, 407–29. Singapore: World Scientific. Henelito A. Sevilla Jr, 2020. "Middle East Geopolitics and China-India Strategic Interaction in the New Era." Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. DOI: 10.1080/25765949.2020.1760541 Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (8) AC-UP: Main events The UP Asian Center will be holding via Zoom a forum, “Engaging with China: Views from Southeast Asia,” on 5 June 2021, 1 pm (Philippine Standard Time, GMT + 8). The forum is free and open to the public but sign-in to an authenticated Zoom account is required. Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members Ⅱ (9) ASC-CU: Executive committee members II. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members II (10) ISEAS-VASS: Core Institute members Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huy Hoang Director of ISEAS; Editor-in-chief Southeast Asian Studies Research interests: International politics and Economics, Development Studies; International Relations of Southeast Asia and ASEAN. hoang_iseas@yahoo.com Dr. Le Phuong Hoa Head Department of Scientific Management Research interests: ASEAN socio- economic issues and ASEAN networking lephuonghoa2002@gmail.com Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh Deputy director of ISEAS Research interests: History, international relations and maritime security in Southeast Asia; India’s Look/Act East Policy; politics of Myanmar. Australia-ASEAN relation voxvinh@gmail.com Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Lan Vice Editor-in-chief Southeast Asian Studies Research interests: ASEAN socio- economic issues Nguyenngoclan76@gmail. com Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members II (10) ISEAS-VASS: New publications Associate.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Southeast Asia in the US IndoPacific Strategy, Social Science Publisher, 2021 Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh, Australia ASEAN relations: The first 2 decades of the 21st century, Social Science Publisher, 2021 Ⅱ. Academic activities 2020-2021 of NACAI Members II (10) ISEAS-VASS: Events The International Conference ASEAN post-Covid-19: Situation and Problems Held on September 8th, 2020 Link: https://vass.gov.vn/hop-tacquoc-te/ASEAN-hau-Covid-19405 International scholars attended virtually: Royal Academy of Cambodia; University of the Philippines; Singapore; India. Ⅲ. Chair of NACAI 2022 ASEAN Study Center, Universitas Indonesia (ASCUI) (Indonesia) will host the 6th NACAI International Symposium in 2022. Title: to be announced Date: to be announced Ⅳ. Activities in the future … 1. Visiting scholars and students 2. Joint research (edited book, research report …) such as: an open-access research report in the 4th and 5th NACAI International Symposium, an edited book Cooperative Development in the South China Sea: Policies, Obstacles, and Prospects (Routledge, 2021), … 3. Seminars, conferences, lectures 4. on the prospect of NACAI: we hope that a well-established academic institute in Singapore will become a full member of NACAI in the near future on the basis of unanimous consent of the founding members. ……(discuss ideas to broaden and deepen cooperation) V. Liaison of the NACAI Secretariat The liaison of the NACAI Secretariat is Dr. Yao WEN (from September 2020). E-mail: yaowen@fudan.edu.cn Dr. Wen received his PhD from University of Toronto in 2020, and he is Assistant Professor of CCRNC-Fudan. Contact Information of the NACAI Secretariat Mailing Address: Institute of International Studies, Fudan University (IIS Fudan), 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, P.R. China. Postcode: 200433 Office Address: Room 307, Wenke (Liberal Arts) Building, Fudan University Telephone: 86 21-6564 2939 Fax: 86 21-6564 2939 Email: CCRNC@fudan.edu.cn Web: http://www.iis.fudan.edu.cn/en/nacai/list.htm
